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Amy Goan, MBA, CFP®
18708 SE 45th St., Issaquah, WA 98027
Working With Clients Remotely

Traveling and Your Estate Plan


Many of my clients know how much my husband and I love to explore the world through travel. Since we are both able to work remotely, we're able to get away about once every quarter. Although some of those trips are in the US, many are not.

As a financial planner I feel that a large part of my job is to manage and plan for the risk all around us, be it market risk or tax/policy risk or plain ol’ life risk. Recognizing that there are risks associated with travel, I decided to start a blog section that is devoted to travel and how to do it “right”. Some of my information will come from experts in their fields that I know, and some of my information will come from my own traveling experience.

I’m kind of cheating here by not writing on the subject myself, but local estate planner, Jenny Ling, has done it again and recently posted an excellent blog post to her website on traveling and estate planning. Here’s a link to her latest article titled “4 Critical Estate Planning Tasks to Complete Before Going on Vacation”. I hope you enjoy and learn from it!

Safe travels!

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