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Amy Goan, MBA, CFP®
18708 SE 45th St., Issaquah, WA 98027
Working With Clients Remotely


What is Your Ideal Retirement Location?

I'm always on the lookout for resources that help me advise my clients, or that clients can use to help themselves. I recently came across this interesting search tool from MarketWatch that helps you figure out the best place to retire, based on your priorities.

How to do a Backdoor Roth IRA

We all love Roth IRAs. What’s not to love? Instead of putting excess income into a brokerage account that has its dividends and income taxed each year, as well as being subject to capital gains tax when you sell, you put your money into a Roth IRA where you’ll never pay taxes of any kind. Did I mention that you will never pay taxes on the account?

Where To Find Hourly Financial Planners by William Baldwin

William Baldwin  wrote an article in Forbes, where he compiled a list of hourly financial planners across the country. Guess who made the list?! wink

"I Just Bought A House! by Carrie Houchins-Witt

This blog post by fellow advisor in Iowa, Carrie Houchins-Witt CFP® / EA, describes how home ownership can help take a bite out of your tax bill.

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"The 5 Years Before You Retire" by Emily Guy Birken

For anyone who finds themselves 5-10 years away from retirement, I'd have to recommend this book.

Its worksheets take you step-by-step through such topics as budgeting now and how much money you'll need in retirement. It also does a great job of explaining the incredibly complex issues of Social Security, Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act.

"How to Make Your Money Last: The Indispensable Retirement Guide" by Jane Bryant Quinn

I love this book! I think that everyone who's close to retirement, or in retirement, will benefit from reading this book. You can read it all the way through, or just go to the specific areas you have questions about at the moment. Ms. Quinn's years of researching personal finance are summarized in this book, which boils complex issues down to what you need to know.

"The Investment Answer" by Daniel C. Goldie and Gordon S. Murray

I just listened to "The Investment Answer" by Daniel C. Goldie and Gordon S. Murray, which was recommended by a client. (Thanks, Mike!) I believe their views on how people should approach long-term investing are right on the money. (Pardon the pun!) You can read this book in one sitting, or listen to it in its entirety in just 45 minutes. 

"Don’t Transfer Ownership of Your House to Your Kids Before You Read This " by Jenny Ling, PLLC

Jenny Ling, a local attorney, wrote this article in her October 2018 Newsletter, which I found very useful. We all want to avoid paying unnecessary taxes or medical costs, allowing us to pass more money to our kids when we die. However, as Jenny explains, transferring ownership of your house to your kids isn't the best way to do this.

"Happy Money: The Science of Smarter Spending" by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton

We all spend money. But do we do so wisely, so as to maximize the happiness it can bring to us? "Happy Money" by Dunn and Norton discusses the links between money and happiness. Although financial planners focus on using your money to get more money, maybe it's time to focus on using your money to get more happiness.

"All Your Worth-The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan" by Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi

This is my go-to book for anyone who wants to take charge of their finances. It's straight-forward, easy to read, and very upbeat. Although I don't share the authors' low opinion of all financial advisors (some of us are okay!), I very much agree with their strategies for taking control of your personal finances.


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